Boosted yield farming

Excalibur farms can be boosted with extra rewards of any token.

When a farm is boosted, it will have the following display on the farms list:

In this case, the higher APR range will include the boosted rewards into its calculations.

When clicking on a boosted farm, a new block content will be available:

The first line of information is about the general boosted rewards info:

  • Total incentives to be distributed during the whole boosted rewards session

  • APR of the boosted rewards session

  • Status indicates if the boost is active/inactive

  • Starts In/Ends In provides a countdown showing the remaining time before its next status change

The second part concerns the user-related information for the boosted rewards session

  • Eligible deposits displays the sum of your deposits made with the minimum required lock duration to earn from the boost. The "synced/not synced" indicator near to it will indicate you if you have additional deposits to synchronize for the session.

  • Synced deposits are the eligible deposits that have been synced, hence actively making you earn boosted rewards

  • Required lock duration is the minimum duration during which your deposit must be locked in order to be eligible for boosted rewards

  • Pending rewards shows how much boosted rewards can be harvested

How to start earning boosted rewards?

  • Lock a deposit into an eligible farm for at least the required lock duration. The deposit must be made after the start of the boosted rewards session, else it won't be eligible.

  • In case you already have a locked deposit with the required lock duration, you can simply renew its lock to make it eligible.

  • Your displayed eligible deposit will show a "not synced" indicator, and the button "Synchronized" will become available. Click it* and confirm the transaction: you should now have a "synced" mention, and both your eligible deposit and synced deposit should display the same values.

  • You will now earn rewards that you can harvest many times. Note that the "Harvest all" button on the farm page currently does not interact with the boosted rewards.

* Rewards will be automatically harvested when making a new synchronization

Last updated